Please respond to the following questions about the Bryan Alexander book, The New Digital Storytelling in a Comment below.
- What did you think about the style of the book? It's apparent audience?
- What was useful about it?
- If there were one thing you wish it did that it doesn’t do, what would that be?
- What other issues do you have with the book?
Comments (4)
Tyler said
at 12:38 pm on Mar 26, 2015
1. I enjoy the style of the book, things are kept simple. The apparent audience to me is anyone interested in digital media, whether they are tech savvy or not.
2. I found the extra online resources very useful.
3. I wish the book was more oriented towards media that I view now. But this might just be because of the time the book was written. Maybe if it was done again today using more modern examples it could be more enjoyable.
4. I don't have any issues with the book. It was mentioned that chapter 12 might be less useful if you are not doing a conference yourself but I liked the way it was presented. I think it serves as a good template for the thought
process behind making a piece of media.
christopherrahmeh@... said
at 5:58 pm on Mar 26, 2015
1. I enjoyed the style sometimes and other times it wen a bit over my head because of the technical language used in it. The apparent audience is someone who is interested in using digital media as a form of storytelling or just curious about new forms of storytelling.
2. I found the examples and the way he gave in depth explanations of them in the book to illustrate certain topics very useful.
3. Not get as lost in trying to explain the various programming engines and web servers and other technical things and instead focus more on the storytelling.
4. Not many. Just found it somewhat hard to understand at times but besides that it was a very interesting and informative book.
Craig DaCosta said
at 8:21 am on Mar 27, 2015
1. The book was simultaneously benefited and restricted by its style- it provided a few examples of many different types of digital network narratives, so while it covered a lot of bases, I didn't feel it went into too much detail on at least most of the topics. This could be seen as a good thing or a bad thing, I presume, or both. Its audience appears to be anybody who has interest in conveying narratives through digital means, and was fairly accessible in that most of the information was introductory and not too-technically based.
2. The book was definitely useful in presenting different types of digital network narratives, and providing basic outlines, suggestions, affordances and limitations of each.
3. I almost wish that the book had spent some time relating digital networked narratives to the digital conversion of other analog media that preceded digitally-natured media. It wouldn't have been entirely relevant to a lot of Alexander's discussion, and maybe this is just due to my personal interest in other media forms (ie, film, novels, etc.), but nonetheless I think it would have been interesting for him to have at least touched on the way the digital conversion of these things can generate new meanings, forms for storytelling, etc.
4. My only real personal issue with the book is that I retrieved an electronic copy of the book. Although ofttimes convenient and a little more accessible (eg, using search features to recall particular topics), even more appropriate given the course content, I still prefer an analog copy of the book. The book itself was fine, and useful for class purposes, but the medium itself was sometimes a limitation for me, personally. said
at 10:22 am on Mar 27, 2015
1. I thought the book was very clear and introduced many different degrees of complexity in digital media mediums. Makes it easier for a general audience to understand and participate with.
2. I presents a very wide array of different option depending on degrees of knowledge and interest.
3.Have more interactive section to use the material we are learning about, even if just briefly.
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